
View Module

Module Functionality

The View Module is a UI display module that supports displaying various types of data in a DApp, including text, boolean values, images, tables, and more. Users can use this module to display dynamic or static data, with optional support for adding hyperlink functionality.

Module Features

  1. Multi-Type Support:

    • The module supports multiple data display types, which can be selected in the top-right corner:
      • Text: Display text.
      • Bool: Display boolean values.
      • Image: Display images.
      • Table: Display tables.
  2. Static or Dynamic Assignment:

    • The Value section allows defining static values or referencing variables from the workflow:
      • Const: Input custom static values directly.
      • Refer: Reference the output values from previous modules.
  3. Hyperlink Support:

    • Links can be added to the displayed content, allowing users to click and navigate to the specified address.
  4. Module Naming:

    • Custom names can be assigned at the top of the module for easier management and differentiation.
  5. No Output:

    • This module is solely for display purposes and does not produce output data.

How to Use the Module

1. Module Setup

Add the Module

  • Drag the View Module into the workspace.

Configure the Module Name

  • Set the module name at the top to identify it.

Configure the Display Type

  • Choose the type of data to display from the top-right options:
    • Text: Displays text, integers, or floating-point numbers.
    • Bool: Displays boolean values (true/false).
    • Image: Displays images (supports URLs or integer arrays).
    • Table: Displays tables (requires objects with headers and rows).

Configure the Value Section

  • Static Value (Const):
    • Select Const in the Value section and input the value directly.
  • Dynamic Value (Refer):
    • Select Refer in the Value section and reference variables from the workflow.
  • Enable the Link toggle and input the link address to allow users to click and navigate to the link.

Supported Data Types

1. Text Component

Supported types:

const TextViewSupportedType = ['text', 'integer', 'number'];

1. Bool Component

const BoolViewSupportedType = ['bool'];

3. Table Component

const TableViewSupportedType = {
  object: [
    { key: 'headers', ty: { array: 'text' } }, // 表头:字符串数组
    { key: 'rows', ty: { array: { array: 'text' } } } // 行数据:二维字符串数组

4. Image Component

const ImageViewSupportedType = ['text', { array: 'integer' }];

Usage Examples

Example 1: Display Text Data

  • Configuration:
    • Display Type: Text
    • Value:
      • Const: "Hello, World!"
  • Effect: Displays Hello, World! on the interface.

Example 2: Display Boolean Value

  • Configuration:
    • Display Type: Bool
    • Value:
      • Refer: Reference variable is_logged_in
  • Effect: Displays true or false based on the value of is_logged_in.

Example 3: Display Image

  • Configuration:
    • Display Type: Image
    • Value:
      • Const: ""
    • Enable Link and set the link address to ""
  • Effect: Displays an image; clicking the image navigates to

Example 4: Display Table

  • Configuration:

    • Display Type:Table

    • Value

      • Const:
          "headers": ["Name", "Age", "City"],
          "rows": [
            ["Alice", "25", "New York"],
            ["Bob", "30", "London"],
            ["Charlie", "22", "Paris"]
  • Effect: Displays a table with the following content:

    Alice25New York

  • Notes

    1. Match Display Type with Data Format:

      • Ensure that the Value data format matches the selected display type; otherwise, errors may occur.
    2. Dynamic Value Reference:

      • When referencing variables, verify that the variables are defined in the flow and compatible with the selected display type.
    3. Link Configuration:

      • When configuring links, ensure the input URL is valid and meets user navigation requirements.
    4. No Output:

      • This module is solely for data display, without any output, and cannot participate in subsequent data flow processing.

    Module Advantages

    • Support for Multiple Types: Adaptable to various data display needs.
    • Combination of Dynamic and Static Values: Supports custom input values and dynamic variable references.
    • User Interaction: Enhances interactivity of displayed content through link functionality.
    • Ease of Operation: Intuitive interface and flexible configuration reduce development complexity.