
Constant Module

Module Functionality

The Constant Module is used to define fixed value variables for reference in subsequent workflows. Through this module, users can set a fixed value for a variable and choose its type. The Constant Module is suitable for defining global constants, preset values, or initialization parameters.

Module Features

  1. Supports Multiple Data Types:

    • Constant values can be set to the following data types:
      • String: String type.
      • Integer: Integer type.
      • Boolean: Boolean type (true/false).
      • Number: Floating-point number type.
      • Object: Object type.
      • Array: Array type.
  2. Fixed Output Format:

    • The module’s output data type is determined by the type selected in the Value section and directly provided for subsequent references.
  3. Single Constant Limitation:

    • Only one constant can be created at a time.
    • To define multiple constants, drag multiple Constant Module instances.
  4. Module Naming:

    • The name editing field at the top of the module is used to name the constant, which serves as the identifier for referencing the constant in subsequent modules.
    • It is recommended to use concise and easily recognizable names, such as api_key or is_active.
  5. Template Functionality:

    • The module supports templated configuration. By enabling the Template function, users can reuse the DApp without editing the entire workflow and only need to replace certain constants.
    • This feature significantly improves development efficiency, making workflow maintenance and upgrades more convenient.

Module Tutorial

1. Module Configuration

  • Add Module:

    • Drag the Constant Module into the workspace.
  • Set the Module Name:

    • Click the name editing field at the top of the module to set a unique name for the constant.
    • The name will serve as the identifier for referencing the constant in subsequent modules.
  • Set the Value:

    • Enter the value of the constant in the Value field.
    • Select the data type of the constant value (e.g., String, Integer, etc.).
  • Enable Template Functionality (Optional):

    • Turn on the Template switch, and fill in the Title and Description fields to provide an entry point for custom configuration when reusing workflows.

2. Input Data

This module does not require external input. All values are directly defined by the user in the Value field.

3. Output Data

  • Output Format:
    • The module’s output format is determined by the data type selected in the Value section.
    • The output value of the Constant Module can be referenced as a variable in subsequent modules.

Template Functionality Introduction

  1. Purpose of Templates:

    • When the Template function is enabled, users can adjust workflows by replacing specific constants without modifying the entire logic.
    • Suitable for developers providing standardized workflow templates with adjustable configurations for users.
  2. Configure Template Parameters:

    • Title: Provide a clear title for the template to describe the constant’s function.
    • Description: Provide detailed explanations of the constant’s purpose and significance within the template.
    • Validate: Support validation of template input values, including the following constraints:
      • Subtype: Restrict the subtype of the input value (e.g., array element type).
      • Min Length: Define the minimum length for arrays or strings.
      • Max Length: Define the maximum length for arrays or strings.
      • Code: Allow insertion of custom validation logic.
  3. Applicable Scenarios:

    • Ideal for developers providing customizable DApp templates.
    • Users only need to replace key constants to adjust workflows without redesigning the entire process.

Parameter Constraints and Rules

  1. Supported Data Types:

    • Users need to select the appropriate data type based on actual needs.
    • Supported types include String, Integer, Boolean, Number, Object, and Array.
  2. Constant Value Configuration Rules:

    • If the String type is selected, a valid string must be entered.
    • If the Array type is selected, it must be in JSON array format (e.g., [1, 2, 3]).
    • If the Object type is selected, it must be in JSON object format (e.g., {"key": "value"}).
  3. Name Uniqueness:

    • Module names must be unique to ensure accurate referencing in subsequent modules.


  1. Single Constant Limitation:

    • Each module can only define one constant. To define multiple constants, drag multiple modules.
  2. Enabling Template Functionality:

    • After enabling the Template function, use the title and description to guide users in quickly completing configurations.
  3. Type Matching:

    • When referencing the output of the Constant Module, ensure subsequent modules can accept the data type.
  4. Validation Rules:

    • When enabling the Validate function, use rules such as minimum and maximum values, subtypes, etc., to restrict input content.

Applicable Examples

  1. Defining a Global String Variable:

    • Configuration:
      • Module Name: api_key
      • Value: API_KEY_123
      • Type: String
    • Usage: Used to reference the API key consistently across multiple modules in the workflow.
  2. Defining a Boolean Constant:

    • Configuration:
      • Module Name: is_enabled
      • Value: true
      • Type: Boolean
    • Usage: Serves as a toggle for logic control.
  3. Defining an Array Variable:

    • Configuration:
      • Module Name: user_ids
      • Value: [1, 2, 3, 4]
      • Type: Array
    • Usage: Provides initial data for loops or batch processing.
  4. Enabling Template Functionality:

    • Configuration:
      • Module Name: template_example
      • Value: ["example_value_1", "example_value_2"]
      • Enable the Template function, set the title to User IDs, and the description to This is a list of user IDs used in the workflow.
    • Usage: Allows users to replace user_ids when reusing workflows without modifying the entire workflow logic.